An Introduction to Virtual Commissioning
Welcome to our first blog post from StrathSPEAR!
In this week, team dynamics are the focus. Tasks were delegated to all team members including our team lead and supporting roles. A project plan was created with clear aims and deliverables that all members of the team would work towards. This formed the basis of our Statement of Purpose, in effect, the contract that StrathSPEAR will form with Chalmers University of Technology.
A visit to the laboratory was organised to witness the robotic arms that will be modelled within the Process Simulate software. This gave the team a deeper insight into the task and the scope of the work. It was also very interesting to see such an advanced setup within the University itself.
Whilst the managerial aspects of the project were progressing well, training in the Process Simulate software itself was limited. Issues with the tutorial files meant that only a basic navigation around the software was achieved. The team however took it in their stride to work around this problem, re-distributing tasks as necessary. This included reading of literature in the subject of Virtual Commissioning and the inital stages of drafting a literature review. Team dynamics were key; when progress towards one goal was halted, further progress was made towards another. This highligted recognition of the technical risk and effective management to keep progress at this early stage up-to-date with the project plan.
That is all for week 1, watch out for further updates!